Campaigner: in summary

Campaigner offers a robust email marketing platform for medium-sized and bigger companies’ marketing teams, designed to elevate your marketing campaigns through advanced automation, precise segmentation, and dynamic content personalization.

With Campaigner, businesses can create tailored email experiences that:

  • resonate with their audience,
  • track conversions to measure success,
  • and grow their subscriber base effectively.

The intuitive drag-and-drop email editor, combined with a rich selection of templates, allows marketers to design professional emails effortlessly.

Campaigner's purchase behavior tracking and reputation defender features ensure your campaigns are both effective and secure, providing comprehensive tools to drive engagement and conversions.

Overall, Campaigner will lead you to email marketing success by providing powerful tools ensuring your campaigns are always effective and engaging.

Its benefits

High-level deliverability

Advanced workflows capabilities

Possibility to combine email with SMS

24/7 support

Its disadvantages

No free plan is available, just a 30 day free trial

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Appvizer's opinion

After thoroughly testing Campaigner, we can confidently say that it stands out as a robust and user-friendly email marketing platform. 

The advanced automation workflows impressed us with their flexibility and ease of use, allowing us to create complex, behavior-triggered campaigns without a hitch. We particularly appreciated the segmentation feature, which enabled us to target specific audience groups with precision, resulting in highly relevant and effective email campaigns.

The dynamic content personalization truly shines, making each email feel uniquely tailored to the recipient. This feature significantly boosted our engagement and conversion rates during testing. Additionally, the drag-and-drop email editor was intuitive and efficient, allowing us to design professional emails quickly and without any coding knowledge.

Moreover, Campaigner excels in deliverability, ensuring that our emails consistently hit the inbox rather than being relegated to spam folders. This is crucial for maintaining high engagement rates and building trust with our audience. 

This aspect, combined with the platform's robust features and benefits, makes Campaigner a top choice for effective email marketing.

Campaigner: its rates

Campaigner has 4 different pricing plans, each offering different pricing and functionalities to tailor best to your company.

  • Starter Plan, starting from $59 per month, with:
    • Up to 5K contacts,
    • Landing Page,
    • Autoresponders and 900+ Responsive Templates,
    • Social Integration,
    • Recurring Campaigns, and so forth.
  • Essential Plan, starting from $179 per month, with:
    • Up to 25K contacts,
    • Remove Campaigner Branding,
    • Dynamic content,
    • eCommerce Integrations,
    • Localization, and so forth.
  • Advanced Plan, starting from $649 per month, with:
    • Up to 100K contacts,
    • Static Segment Sampling,
    • Automation workflows,
    • Sales Engineering,
    • API Access, and so forth.
  • eCommerce Plan, starting from $79.95 per month, with:
    • Abandoned Cart Emails,
    • Magneto Integration,
    • Unlimited contacts, and so forth.

A custom plan is also available if you’re looking for more features without limits!

Pricing as of May 2024.

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Campaigner: the complete test

Through our testing of Campaigner, we noted 3 main functionalities that drastically improve campaign management.

Advanced Email Automation Workflows

We found Campaigner’s advanced email automation workflows to be a game-changer for marketing automation.

Using the intuitive drag-and-drop builder, you can set up sophisticated workflows that respond to various customer actions and behaviors! For instance, if a customer abandons their shopping cart, the workflow can automatically trigger a series of reminder emails with personalized content to encourage them to complete their purchase. This feature helps influence the purchasing behavior of clients, which is unarguably a necessity!

Additionally, Campaigner supports A/B testing within workflows, allowing us to optimize each step for maximum effectiveness.

These automated workflows save time and ensure that your marketing messages are always timely and relevant, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Precise Segmentation Capabilities

Campaigner excels in audience segmentation, allowing our marketers to create precise and highly targeted email campaigns.

You can segment your audience based on a multitude of criteria such as:

  • demographic data,
  • geographic location,
  • purchase history,
  • or engagement metrics.

For example, we could create a segment of customers who have purchased a specific product and send them related product recommendations or accessory promotions. Thus, our marketing strategies are tailored to our clients, who are now more engaged and will likely buy again.

Campaigner also supports behavioral segmentation, meaning you can target users based on their interactions with your previous emails and website activity. For instance, if they did interact with specific products, the marketing messages adapt to the client to make accurate recommendations and influence purchasing behavior. Thus, we found out how time-saving this feature was for us!

This precise segmentation ensures that your emails are relevant to each recipient, increasing the likelihood of engagement and driving better campaign results.

Dynamic Content Personalization

Dynamic content personalization is one of Campaigner's standout features, and we were eager to try it.

Making each email feel uniquely tailored to the recipient was one of the most interesting points we were looking for.

With this feature, we could create emails that adapt in real-time based on the recipient’s preferences, behaviors and past interactions. For example, a recipient who frequently browses a particular category on your website might receive emails highlighting new arrivals or special offers in that category. Combined with workflows and segmentation, we could really tailor our marketing strategies.

Campaigner's dynamic content can also include:

  • personalized greetings,
  • product recommendations,
  • and content blocks that change based on user data.

This level of personalization not only enhances our customer’s experience, but also significantly boosts engagement and conversion rates, as recipients are more likely to interact with content that is directly relevant to them.

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