GoSign : The complete solution for your digital signature
GoSign: in summary
How much time do you need to sign a contract?
Approval and signature processes are essential for companies’ day-to-day operations. For this reason, streamlining processes is important not only to reduce operational time but also the costs of time-consuming activities.
GoSign, the Open Signature Platform by InfoCert, enables easy and smart management of signature processes. GoSign allows you to simplify both internal and external workflows and to easily interact with colleagues or customers and execute your decisions immediately, anytime, and anywhere!
GoSign allows you to approve, seal and sign any kind of documents anywhere and anytime, empowering the trust level of your digital transaction. Our application is dedicated to all enterprises, SMBs’ and professionals, who every day need to sign contracts, bills, offers and other important documents.
Thanks to our platform, you can sign and approve documents on the web or via App, get documents signed from your colleagues or your customers and manage everything digitally.
5 Reasons to start using GoSign right away:
1. With GoSign you can digitally manage any signing process with the highest legal value and a simplest user experience
2. GoSign can be easily integrated with external applications
3. GoSign works with all kind of electronic signatures eIDAS compliant
4. With GoSign your work is always with you, online or via App
5. With GoSign you’ll get full control of processes and approvals
GoSign supports every business function to unlock digital transformation
Its benefits
Time gained, money saved
Sign documents at anytime and anywhere in an easy way
Full legal and regulatory compliance
Full process and transaction governance
ISO 27001, ISO 9001, eIDAS, ETSI, GDPR
GoSign: its rates
/year /user
/year /user
On demand
Clients alternatives to GoSign
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Streamline document signing with electronic signatures.
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SignNow offers a secure and user-friendly platform for electronic signatures, allowing for easy document signing and management. With options for in-person and remote signing, multiple signers, and customizable workflows, SignNow simplifies the document signing process for businesses of all sizes.
Read our analysis about SignNowBenefits of SignNow
Streamlines document signing processes
Reduces time and enhances productivity
Legally valid e-signatures on all devices
To SignNow product page
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Boost your productivity with a suite of applications that streamlines tasks and communication.
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Google Workspace offers a range of tools, including email, calendar, file storage, video conferencing, and collaboration apps. With seamless integration across devices and real-time editing, it's perfect for remote teams or anyone looking to simplify their workflow.
Read our analysis about Google WorkspaceBenefits of Google Workspace
Real-time collaboration and seamless teamwork
Extensive integration with Google services and third-party apps
Cloud-based accessibility for work from anywhere
To Google Workspace product page
![HouseCall Pro logo](https://www.appvizer.fr/media/application/11248/logo/logo-housecall-pro.png)
Streamline your appointments with an easy-to-use scheduling software. Manage your team, track jobs, and get paid faster with online booking and invoicing.
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With HouseCall Pro, you can customize your booking page, send automated reminders and follow-ups, and access real-time reporting. Say goodbye to double bookings and missed appointments.
Read our analysis about HouseCall ProBenefits of HouseCall Pro
Ease of use - simple and straightforward.
Seamless integration with payment and accounting software
Mobile access for on-the-go business management
To HouseCall Pro product page
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