deskbird : desk booking made simple
deskbird: in summary
What is deskbird?
deskbird is the workplace management platform that makes hybrid work simple. With an intuitive booking system for desk and other resources, powerful analytics, and easy integrations, it saves costs, optimizes office space, boosts productivity, and fosters team collaboration—all in one easy-to-use app.
Why deskbird is different from other solutions out there?
📱 It’s a comprehensive solution: No need to juggle multiple apps. deskbird brings everything you need to book desks and check your schedule easily.
✅ It’s seriously simple: Don’t take our word for it. Thousands of customers worldwide love how intuitive deskbird is and that it does what it says without training. Some say it’s so simple even a child could use it.
💪 But powerful at the same time: deskbird delivers state-of-the-art analytics, desk and resource booking tools, scheduling, AI recommendations, and anything you need to manage your office efficiently, all while being easy to use. It’s not just another app. It’s a valuable companion in your flexible work life.
🤝 It encourages team collaboration and engagement: See when your colleagues are in the office, making in-person meetings easier and ensuring productive office days.
🔧 It fits your needs: With 200+ integrations, deskbird fits into your workflow from day one, integrating with MS Teams, Outlook, Slack, and more.
Over 5,000 offices globally, including industry leaders like Deloitte, Decathlon, Philips, Heineken, and Samsung, use deskbird to simplify their hybrid office operations.
Made in Switzerland and hosted in Germany, our cloud infrastructure is fully certified with industry standards, such as ISO27001 and SOC2.
deskbird is the only workplace management platform you will ever need for an efficient hybrid office.
Ready to make the switch?
Its benefits
GDPR compliant and data hosted in EU
Interactive floor plan for easy overview
2-click easy booking of desks and rooms
GDPR, ISO 27001
deskbird: its rates
/month /user
/month /user
On demand
On demand
Clients alternatives to deskbird

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Pult's intuitive interface allows easy collaboration, real-time updates, and tracking of progress. Its customizable features and integrations ensure seamless workflow management.
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Boost collaboration and productivity with this ESN software. Connect with team members, share files, and manage projects effortlessly.
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With this software, you can create groups for specific projects or departments, schedule events, and hold video conferences. Its intuitive interface and mobile app make it easy to stay connected and productive on-the-go. Plus, its security features ensure that all data is safe and confidential.
Read our analysis about TalkspiritBenefits of Talkspirit
Easy to use
Data hosted in the EU (by OVHcloud)
Customer Service & User Support
To Talkspirit product page
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