m-work: in summary

m-work is a workspace management solution that optimizes coordination between remote work and physical offices. Easy to use and integrable with your existing tools, our platform provides real-time visibility into team presence, facilitates the reservation of workspaces, and generates valuable data for efficient planning.

Key Features

  • Work schedule declaration and space reservation: allows your teams to easily declare their remote work and onsite presence, giving them one-click access to your company’s offices and meeting rooms.
  • Presence visualization: offers one-click accessible presence information, whether at the company, team, project, or external level.
  • Office and remote work management: control the organization of your workspaces and the application of your policies from one place.
  • Advanced statistics: provides detailed statistics on office occupancy and employee needs.
  • Management of shared resources: desks, meeting rooms, parking spaces, shared vehicles, etc.

Its benefits

Certifications:GDPR, UGAP by SCC, Pentest Certification

m-work: its rates

/month /user
On demand

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