Referly: in summary

Referly is a cutting-edge platform that leverages AI to help B2B companies unlock the power of their relationship capital. By automating the process of mapping, capturing, and utilizing relationships, Referly enables companies to improve their sales processes and increase conversion rates with warm introductions rather than cold outreach.

What are the main features of Referly?

AI Auto-Capture and Network Mapping

Referly’s AI automatically captures interactions and maps out relationships from Gmail and LinkedIn, making it effortless for sales teams to maintain contact records without manual input. This feature ensures that RevOps teams have a clear understanding of the proximity of each account.

  • AI auto-captures interactions and contacts from Gmail and LinkedIn
  • No need for manual contact creation
  • Provides a comprehensive view of relationship networks

Warm Introductions and Job Change Tracking

The platform allows companies to build a referral engine that leverages their extended network to generate warm introductions. Additionally, Referly tracks job changes within key relationships, ensuring you never miss an opportunity for a warm introduction.

  • Automated tracking of job changes for key accounts
  • Warm referral engine for higher conversion rates
  • 76% reply rate on warm intros compared to 5% on cold outreach

Easy Integration and GDPR Compliance

Referly integrates seamlessly with Gmail and LinkedIn, enabling companies to start using the platform in just a few clicks. The platform is GDPR-compliant, ensuring that no sensitive contact details such as emails or phone numbers are shared without permission.

  • Seamless integration with Gmail and LinkedIn
  • GDPR-compliant for secure relationship management
  • Data privacy is prioritized while connectors remain gatekeepers

Efficient Sales Pipeline Management

With Referly, sales teams can efficiently manage their pipeline and focus on the right prospects. The platform’s AI-powered insights help teams identify door openers and prioritize key accounts, significantly improving the chances of converting leads into deals.

  • AI insights to prioritize key prospects
  • Efficient pipeline management to improve conversion rates
  • Networking and relationship tracking for optimal engagement

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