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The QuickBooks ecosystem: a successful bet on interoperability

Word from the expert • November 9, 2024

The QuickBooks ecosystem: a successful bet on interoperability

The interoperability of different applications centralized in a single tool is the basis of an open ecosystem (API). This model is being adopted by more and more developers and publishers of applications like QuickBooks.

What is the micro-BNC scheme? Conditions and obligations

Definition • November 9, 2024

What is the micro-BNC scheme? Conditions and obligations

The micro-BNC or special BNC regime is a highly simplified system. Professionals and entrepreneurs, here are all its specific features!

SAS, SASU, need to know your accounting obligations? Here they are!

Tip • November 9, 2024

SAS, SASU, need to know your accounting obligations? Here they are!

Setting up and running an SAS or SASU involves complying with a number of accounting obligations: which ones, and when is SAS accounting simplified?

Accounting for sole proprietorships: the complete file to make sense of it all

Definition • October 23, 2024

Accounting for sole proprietorships: the complete file to make sense of it all

Whether you operate under a standard tax regime, a simplified tax regime, a micro-business or a BNC regime... whatever your tax regime or activity, find out what your accounting obligations are!

Partner's current account: alternative financing for your company

Definition • October 23, 2024

Partner's current account: alternative financing for your company

What is the purpose of a contribution to a partner's current account? Find out how this alternative financing method works, with its many advantages.

How do I set up a SARL? Instructions in 8 steps!

Tip • October 23, 2024

How do I set up a SARL? Instructions in 8 steps!

How do you set up a limited liability company (SARL)? Here's a practical guide to the steps and formalities involved in setting up a company!