Communicating better with prospects using the DISC model

What better way to optimize a sales negotiation than by identifying the personality and profile of your contacts? The DISC model makes this possible, thanks to its reading grid of human behaviors.
This sales technique, a real lever for sales and managerial performance, considerably enhances the communication and exchanges you have with your prospects and customers.
In fact, the DISC model helps you to truly understand the behaviors and reactions of your contacts, enabling you to build a personalized, effective and appropriate sales pitch.
Let's take a closer look at this sales method that combines psychology and business.
What is the DISC model?
The DISC model, also known as the "color method", , is a technique for evaluating human behavior, enabling people to improve their professional communication.
This acronym, derived from the work of William Moulton Marston, is based on 4 personality traits, also known as behavioral styles, represented by 4 different colors:
- 🟥 Dominant
- 🟨 Influential
- 🟩 Stable
- 🟦 Conforming.
💡 Please note, however, that the DISC model is not designed to assess your intelligence. It's neither an IQ test, nor an intelligence test, nor an aptitude test, nor a personality test. It's a tool that simply assesses your behaviors and reactions in the face of distinct professional situations.
Its relevance to sales management
This behavioral analysis enables you to identify the psychological dominance of individuals in a work environment. Thanks to a ten-question questionnaire known as the DISC test, a profile is defined for your interlocutor, enabling you to better adapt your sales pitch.
👉 An individualized pitch is more powerful and therefore more effective, considerably increasing your chances of succeeding in sales negotiations. Indeed, the DISC model is very common in :
- sales: by optimizing your sales pitches, sales processes and objection handling,
- managerial: by adapting your communication to better manage your teams,
- recruitment : by identifying the reactions and behaviors of candidates in moments of stress, for example.
The DISC model is perfectly adapted to the SONCAS method. Both models enable you to pinpoint the personality of your interlocutor and adjust your communication accordingly.
What are the 4 profile types of the DISC model?
🟥 D for Dominant
The Dominant is a dynamic, energetic, down-to-earth person. This profile is independent and direct. They present themselves as decision-makers. In other words, they need to :
- control situations,
- make decisions,
- achieve goals.
📣 How do you communicate with this profile?
You need to be patient, simple and concise in your exchanges. Dominants don't like wasting time, so get straight to the point and find the right words.
As a customer or prospect, the Red Profile is stubborn and self-confident, so you'll need to work hard to deal with objections.
The Dominant customer needs concrete proof, and must be able to easily identify the added value of the product or service you're recommending.
👉 To do this, we advise you to use the SMART method, a simple and effective way of showing him the objectives of your offer and the interest he can find in it.
🟨 I for Influencer
The Influent is a demonstrative person with great interpersonal skills. They love novelty, which can sometimes lead them to commit lightly. Creative, friendly and social, they have an exuberant nature and are constantly seeking :
- recognition,
- collaboration,
- attention.
📣 How to communicate with this profile?
To communicate well with a yellow profile, you need to be warm and optimistic. You need to demonstrate a genuine sense of exchange and sharing. Put them at ease, and try to create a genuine relationship of trust.
As a customer or prospect, the Influent is an understanding client, but one who can quickly become disorganized. Try to define a framework of trust and be more of an advisor than a salesperson.
👉 To do this, we advise you to adopt the active listening method! The Influent profile will appreciate the fact that you' re listening and that you're adapting your offer as closely as possible to their needs.
Influencers also like social recognition. Don't hesitate to congratulate them on their work and achievements. He 'll appreciate it and be more open to negotiation.
🟩 S for Stable
The Stable Profile is a calm, methodical person. They seek to be liked and appreciated, yet are introverted and uncomfortable in public. Tolerant and conciliatory, his priorities are :
- human qualities,
- balance,
- listening to others,
- support.
📣 How do you communicate with this profile?
The green profile needs to be put at ease, so you need to be empathetic and benevolent. They don't like to be the center of attention, so avoid putting them in the spotlight or asking their opinion during group meetings.
As a customer or prospect, the Stable profile is patient and composed. You need to present your sales pitch clearly, and ideally step by step, so as not to confuse them.
To do this, present them with a detailed funnel plan. This will give him a clear vision of the plan and increase his confidence.
This is a customer who likes to work at his own pace, so you need to be patient and available. Nevertheless, this remains a wary customer, so you'll have to learn to earn his trust over time.
🟦 C for Compliant
The Conforme profile is someone who likes to follow the rules. He proceeds methodically and logically, and has a strong need for security . They have very distinct characteristics:
- They like order and organization,
- They don't like risk or the unknown,
- He needs to be supervised.
📣 How do I communicate with this profile?
To communicate well with the blue profile, you need to be extremely precise and clear in what you say. Your interlocutor is rather reserved and observes more than he speaks, so you have to "lead the conversation" as it were.
As a customer or prospect, the Conforme profile is a reserved, reliable customer who waits to be approached. They tend to be conformists, motivated by experience and knowledge.
To achieve this, use the CAB technique. This will enable you to persuade your interlocutor through impeccable presentation of your offer. Don't skimp on details: the Conforming profile likes specifics.
Finally, the blue profile doesn't like to be rushed, so give it time to make its purchasing decision, don't rush it!
Why use the DISC model?
Better communication
The DISC model enables you to communicate better with your contacts by better understanding their behavior and reactions to different situations. It optimizes your customer relations and facilitates your sales processes.
But for the model to be effective, you need to take the DISC test yourself. Knowing yourself and others will only make your communication more effective and relevant.
👉 Example: If you're a Dominant, and your interlocutor is a Compliant, you know you'll have to be patient, go at your prospect's pace even if it's difficult for you. You know that you mustn't rush him or impose your opinion. This will considerably optimize your exchanges.
Optimizing your sales pitch
For a sales pitch to be effective, it must be adapted. What better way to optimize your sales pitch than by knowing the character traits of your contacts? The DISC model enables you to:
- Handle objections more effectively
Example: you know that when faced with a Dominant profile, you need to deal with objections in a direct and dynamic way. This profile expects concrete answers that leave no room for hesitation.
Present your offer better
Example: you know that for a Conform profile, you need to present your offer extremely precisely and clearly. Spare no detail and answer all the questions your interviewer may ask. -
Adapt your body language
Optimizing your words is all well and good, but adapting your body language is even more important. For example, you know that for an Influent profile, you need to be at ease, adopting simple, fairly informal gestures while remaining professional.
Would you like to go further and strengthen your sales pitch, while applying these best practices? Our comprehensive guide takes you through the key steps , from creating to improving your sales pitch. Download it for free to optimize your sales pitch and become a seasoned salesperson!
Better team management
In managerial circles, the DISC model is a real performance lever. It enables you to adapt your communication to each profile , and thus better manage your teams.
The DISC method enables you to create genuine team cohesion and collective harmony. This improves the productivity and performance of your teams, who feel more listened to and recognized.
Article translated from French