The future of the RCMP

In the future, Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, will be at the heart of a company's marketing strategy. It's no longer a simple sales act, but a personalized customer experience.
CRM to support customers who have become experts
Consumers are volatile and impatient. They have a better grasp of a product's technical details and functionalities, and seek information from a variety of sources. They expect customer service to provide real expertise and a precise answer to their questions.
The power relationship has been completely reversed, and the customer has become the anchor for the company's services. All decisions must be taken with the customer's wishes, expectations and desires in mind. The customer-company relationship becomes more intimate and personal, thanks to the information gathered and analyzed.
Customer relations become sincere
Businesses need to work in harmony with their customers, who are more demanding and will no longer accept being sold a product. Some unfortunate experiments in communication aimed at manipulating consumers by playing on their heartstrings have failed miserably.
The relationship must be sincere and adapted to the customer's consumption mode, which has become omnichannel. Gone are the days when clothes were ordered by consulting a paper catalog and filling in a paper order form. Consumers now play on several channels, starting an order on their computer and finishing it on their smartphone from another location.
e-CRM or Electronic Consumer Relationship Management is the management of customer relations through electronic channels.
This technique uses emailing for marketing purposes, but also to personalize and build loyalty to the services offered to the customer.
The relationship becomes more personal and responsive. The message is targeted and more individualized.
The company invites customers to participate in the process of creating the product they want. Choosing a design, imagining a color or a slogan, creating a product that resembles the customer are the new solutions for satisfying the consumer to the best of their ability, and perpetuating their purchasing actions within the company.
The future of CRM is based on a solid relationship between the customer and the company's various departments, which must organize themselves to take account of the customer's needs and expectations. And e-CRM is one of entrepreneurs' greatest assets.
Article translated from French