Gain visibility on your HR needs

Various HRIS - Human Resources Information System - solutions exist. Beyond their functionalities, it's their approach that's important. Is the tool interactive? Does it meet the specific needs of your organization and the expectations of your employees? Read all our articles on the challenges and uses of HRIS.
Making bottom-up management a reality with HRIS
A portal for managers and employees
An HRIS is a software package used by Human Resources (HR) to manage personnel. Some provide a collaborative interface to which both HR and employees have access. The aim is to enable everyone to consult and edit their own files, information and so on.
Encouraging two-way exchanges
Although collaborative from a functional point of view, it's not always easy to get used to. HR portals are often a one-way street. The administrative department uses them to address employees, but the reverse workflow is either non-existent, laborious or poorly exploited.
Involvement at all levels
Various HRM (Human Resources Management) initiatives are expected of managers. Starting with professional interviews, to be organized every two years, and for the monitoring of individual career paths more generally. If managers have to use laborious tools to meet their obligations, the follow-up may well be done, but the impact will not be positive.
How to collect and meet expectations?
What's important is that managers and employees find in the HR tool a response adapted to their needs. How can this be done?
Understand the specifics
Depending on your internal processes, your activity and the corporate culture present in your organization, customs and habits differ. The important thing is not to try to standardize them, but to understand them and then identify the right tool.
Ask questions to gain support
To understand, you need to ask questions. Ask each of the tool's users: how do they use it? what aspects do they find useful? what possibilities do they miss? what issues are they concerned about?
Develop enlightening indicators
With HRIS software like ServicesRHOnline, surveys are a standard feature. The mobile version of the application can also be used to send performance surveys to employees. This provides the HR department with concrete indicators to gauge satisfaction with the tool. Expectations and uncovered needs open up avenues for improvement. The aim is to encourage daily use of the software across the organization.
Inject collaboration into HR management
Offer support
When used properly, the HRIS tool represents real added value. Managers can use it to draw up templates for their annual and/or professional interviews. ServicesRHOnline also offers sample protocols.
A toolbox for managers
Keeping a record of the interview history facilitates follow-up from one interview to the next: the manager in charge of the interview has access to the minutes of previous interviews. This gives them a quicker overview of the context and enables them to get to the heart of the matter more quickly.
A place for employees to express themselves
In the same way, the shared interface provides employees with both a history and a variety of areas in which to express themselves. The company can invite them to express their training wishes, or make available preparatory documents for a career development interview, for example.
For better HR management
Better management of your GPEC
This twofold contribution of the tool is a powerful lever for your GPEC - Gestion Prévisionnelle de l'Emploi et des Compétences. The challenge is to be attentive to the professional development of the people who make up the company: its human capital, while aligning it with the company's evolving needs.
Making follow-up more concrete
Managers often have the feeling that they're spending time on reports that won't be of any use in the future. But since HRIS is a dynamic, interactive management tool, the information it contains plays an active role in talent management. On ServicesRHOnline, the dashboards update a cartography offering a detailed visual representation of internal developments. An excellent way to anticipate retirements, recruitment, turnover, etc.
Facilitating operations
HR management is not limited to career management. It also covers the more operational aspects of day-to-day business: pay slips, leave management, absences, expense claims with supporting documents and mileage allowance calculations, etc. HRIS, combined with an appropriate EDM ( Electronic Document Management ) system, enables you to orchestrate the associated workflow smoothly and collaboratively, and archive it as you go along.
If the functionalities of your HR solution are important, it's its adoption that remains key. It's all about getting your staff involved, and spreading best practices. The richer the interactions, the better your visibility of the company's HR needs, so you can manage them optimally.
Article translated from French