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Human resources management: focus on the role and activities of the HR department

Human resources management: focus on the role and activities of the HR department

By Samantha Mur

Published: October 22, 2024

From VSEs to large corporations, whatever the size of your company, human resources management is an essential function in the success and development of your organization. It is the driving force behind the implementation and management of your global strategy , enabling you to remain successful and achieve your objectives.

What exactly is human resources management? What is its role and what fields of action characterize it? How is HRM evolving? This article sheds some light on this pivotal function in a company's success, and reviews the main activities of an HR department.

Definition of human resources management

Human Resources Management (or HRM) refers to the set of systems put in place to organize, utilize and develop human resources, i.e. the individuals who work within an organization.

Whereas administrative personnel management focuses on purely administrative aspects, HRM is more global. It is concerned with managing and administering everything to do with the company's personnel, whatever their profession or status.

This personnel management also includes the dimensions of listening, accompanying and advising that are essential for managing men and women.

💡 Worth knowing: today, with the growing number of tasks that fall to HR, their processes require more automation. That's why HR managers are increasingly turning to specialized software.

For example :

  • Bizneo HR Suite is an all-in-one HR suite with over 16 modules covering the entire employee lifecycle and reducing talent management operational processes by up to 35%. The suite enables complete, integrated management of HR tasks, from recruitment with its ATS, to time tracking with various time and attendance methods, automating the calculation of payroll variables.

  • Eurécia is a flexible, scalable HRIS, comprising 6 modules covering all your human resources management processes (time management, talent management, leave and absence, HR portal, etc.). Available " à la carte", this software suite enables companies of all sizes to build a solution that truly suits their needs and integrates perfectly into their working environment.

  • HiFiveWork makes life easier for managers by automating and securing the administrative management of employees: saving time, meeting deadlines for the distribution and collection of information, and ensuring reliable exchanges.

  • kiwiHR is a complete HRIS for SMEs. Its aim? To digitize HR processes and improve the employee experience. It includes a wide range of functionalities: leave and absence tracking, employee management, time and activity tracking, payroll preparation, and more. The result: fewer time-consuming tasks, and more time to concentrate on high value-added missions.

The role and challenges of human resources management

The main aim of human resources management is to ensure the long-term survival and growth of the company, by making the most of its employees. Its role is multi-faceted: strategic, social and administrative.

This is reflected in the performance of several key missions:

  • to reinforce the company's strategy through the implementation of an HR policy ;
  • optimize the company's productivity on the basis of its human resources, by working to promote their efficiency (including skills enhancement, motivation, etc.);
  • manage and support change (including skills development, training, etc.);
  • organize and administer staff on a day-to-day basis (including payroll management, administrative tasks and compliance with legal obligations).

💡 The trend is for well-being at work to play a growing role in the HRM role: employees are indeed increasingly seeking fulfillment, meaning in their work, recognition and empowerment.

What are the activities of the human resources function?

Personnel administration

Personnel administration covers essentially administrative activities, such as :

  • leave and absence management,
  • time management
  • payroll management,
  • management of the single personnel register, etc.

Between the management of employment contracts, medical examinations and social declarations, obligations linked to the Labor Code or collective agreements, such as the application of the solidarity daythis area of HRM requires a sound knowledge of regulatory and legislative aspects, and constant updating of the latest legal developments to ensure HR compliance.

Tools such as Adequasys can simplify HR's day-to-day work. No more wasted time: all personnel data is centralized in one place, and your most time-consuming processes are standardized and automated!

Compensation policy, which covers both payroll and employee motivation, is also part of personnel administration, and must be integrated into strategic plans. Developed in line with the competition's offer, it enables the company to remain attractive and retain its talents.

Recruitment and integration

Recruitment is one of the decisive human resources activities, contributing directly to the company's performance. It involves identifying the company's needs and finding the talent to meet them. From the definition of a relevant job description to the selection of the ideal person, a well-structured recruitment procedure offers the necessary efficiency.

As well as acquiring staff, it's also a question of retaining talent, starting with finding the right motivational levers and organizing their integration into the company.

A tool like HR can help you to onboard new recruits as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Skills management

One of the key functions of HRM is to manage careers and skills within the organization. Forward-looking management of jobs and skills (or GPEC) is an approach designed to anticipate and forecast a company's staffing needs , taking into account changes in its environment and overall strategy.

This anticipatory management of personnel enables informed HR decisions to be taken, and flexibility to be demonstrated in an unstable context.

Training management

HR training, or even coaching, is an essential aspect of human resources, benefiting both the company and its employees:

  • it meets the company's need for performance -enhancing skills,
  • and helps to motivate the latter, as they develop their skills, build their careers and feel valued.

This activity includes :

  • assessing skills needs,
  • drawing up training plans,
  • managing training initiatives,
  • and monitoring indicators following implementation.

Cost management

The HR function also has a financial dimension: the role of human resources professionals is to find solutions to optimize the costs associated with personnel management.

This includes

  • negotiating advantageous rates (as for health care coverage),
  • managing turnover and absenteeism,
  • setting salaries in line with labor market practices, etc.

Social management

Managing social and interpersonal relations is another key activity for human resources, who are the guarantors of good relations between employees, and between employees and their employer.

This involves actions such as :

  • conflict resolution,
  • creating conditions that encourage good communication between employees,
  • organizing corporate events (team building, etc.).

HR software such as Factorial can make HR's day-to-day work easier and reinforce the company's culture. Its internal communication system, allows you to engage, develop and retain your employees, giving you the ability to identify key indicators in real time to improve their experience.

👉 Turn your company into a true employee community !

Performance assessment

Depending on the type of organization and management style, HR can help set up tools to assess employee performance, either individually or collectively.

Individual performance can be assessed through :

  • defining objectives and KPIs,
  • and regularly discussed during individual interviews with each employee.

Quality of working life

Also an integral part of HR management, well-being at work encompasses all the measures taken to improve working conditions and encourage employee productivity.

Taking care of human capital also means ensuring the company's performance. This attention will focus on topics such as :

  • motivation,
  • stress management
  • risk prevention,
  • employee benefits, etc.

Developments and prospects in HRM

HRM is undergoing a profound transformation, mainly influenced by two major current challenges: the increasing digitalization of the professional world and well-being in the workplace.

Indeed, the use of digital tools, such as HRIS, enables HR processes to be greatly simplified and automated. Human resources management can then focus on higher value-added and strategic missions, such as employee engagement.

It has to be said that the issue of employee engagement represents a major challenge for human resources, at a time when many sectors are experiencing a shortage of talent. Hence the need to be more attentive to employees' needs. For example, the rise of telecommuting, accelerated by the pandemic, has redefined practices by imposing a desire for greater flexibility. This new reality is driving companies to focus more on employee fulfillment and the creation of inclusive work environments.

Finally, the future of HRM will also have to deal with artificial intelligence and analytics, just like any other profession. The aim? Predict trends and personalize the employee experience.