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Keep your single personnel register in full compliance (+model)

Keep your single personnel register in full compliance (+model)

By Nathalie Pouillard

Published: October 26, 2024

What is the single personnel register, and what is its purpose?

As one of the documents required for human resources management, and more specifically for personnel administration, it includes a number of compulsory details and rules to be respected.

How should it be kept, and what are the company's obligations? Answers at ⤵️

What is the single personnel register?

Single personnel register: definition and content

The single personnel register is a document summarizing, from the moment the first employee is hired, or a trainee joins a company, the following compulsory details for each of them.

🎫 Identification of the person employed

  • surname, first name
  • date of birth
  • social security number
  • gender
  • nationality

💼 Company career information

  • job title
  • classification (employee/executive)
  • date of joining the company
  • date of leaving the company

📄. Type of contract

Depending on the type of contract, certain information and appendices are mandatory:

  • the words " fixed-term contract " or " open-ended contract " (in this case, you are no longer obliged to complete the BIAF),
  • the words " temporary employee " and the name and address of the temporary employment agency,
  • made available", along with the name and address of the employer group,
  • the words " part-time employee " where applicable,
  • the words " apprentice " or " professionalization contract ",
  • hiring or dismissal authorization, if required.

🤓For foreign workers, a column is dedicated to information on the document validating work authorization, such as the declaration of secondment (mentioned in articles R. 1263-3, R. 1263-4 and R. 1263-6 of the Labor Code).

It is necessary to :

  • indicate the type and serial number of the document,
  • attach a copy of the document.

☝️ For successive contracts, a line is added each time, with a new start and end date.

Trainee information

This is entered in a separate section, with :

  • trainee's surname and first name,
  • start date of internship (or on-the-job training),
  • end date of internship,
  • tutor identification,
  • placement location.

All these elements are essential to the DPAE!

Purpose of the register and personnel concerned

All employees are listed in the register, including :

  • civic service volunteers, in the section dedicated to trainees,
  • telecommuting employees.

According to the French Ministry of Labor, Employment and Integration, the aim ofthe register is to ensure the transparency of employment in each of the company's establishments.

Who can consult the single personnel register?

The register is available to:

  • the CSE, which represents the workforce and is consulted on the transfer of the register from paper to electronic format. The employer must be able to present the opinion resulting from this consultation at the administration's request;

  • inspectors responsible for ensuring compliance with :
    • the French Labor Code (notably the Labor Inspectorate),
    • the Social Security Code.

Company obligations and sanctions

In the French Labor Code, the single personnel register is governed by Sub-section 2: Single personnel register. (Articles L1221-13 to L1221-15-1).

📌 It is one of the mandatory documents that an employer must keep, along with :

  • registers relating to working conditions,
  • the social and economic committee (CSE) register,
  • the occupational risk assessment document.

All companies are concerned, except :

  • associations using the "chèque emploi associatif" scheme,
  • individual employers.

🕵️‍♂️ In the event of an inspection by the Labour Inspectorate, if any of the following are found to be true:

  • failure to keep the register,
  • failure to update,
  • incorrect information,
  • omission of mandatory information,

the company risks a fine of up to €3,750 (legal entity) or €750 (individual) per employee concerned.

📍 The company must also:

  • keep the data for 5 years after the employee or trainee has left;
  • keep a register for each establishment,
  • register staff in chronological order of hiring.

How do you keep a single personnel register?

Employers are not required to keep a single personnel register inany particular format . It can be in paper or digital format (Excel, Word, etc.).

However, entries must be indelible, and digital formats offer the same control guarantees as paper.

For example, in the event of a correction, it is compulsory to indicate the corrective notes alongside the initial notes, without erasing them.

Single personnel register: example of paper format

☝️ The dematerialization of the single personnel register is exempt from declaration to the CNIL if it meets the conditions set by the organization (information limited to mandatory details and respect of maximum retention period).

Download a sample personnel register

To illustrate this article, here's a free xls template of a single personnel register, which can be exported in PDF format.

Our advice: if you want to save precious time and avoid errors or oversights, opt for HR software offering a single digital personnel register. Our directory is packed with solutions for every business 😉