Teleworking and new work organizations

In its study "COVID-19 and the future of business", IBM reveals that 68% of French executives plan to prioritize remote working for their employees over the next two years.
This figure would have seemed surprising before the pandemic. However, we have to admit that our companies had to adapt quickly to ensure business continuity and survival under unprecedented conditions. While this went relatively smoothly for structures that were already digitalized and had already integrated teleworking into their operating methods, for others, the ordeal imposed a major challenge.For others, the ordeal has meant a complete rethink of their organization, working methods, priorities and even corporate culture.
In fact, the particular context of Covid-19 has accelerated the transition to new work organizations: flex office, desk sharing, telecommuting, coworking, digital collaborative tools and so on.
Now an integral part of everyday life, they are pushing companies towards ever greater digitalization and flexibility. Ultimately, these changes are tending to take hold over the long term, with positive effects on productivity and employee well-being .
Today, with a year's hindsight on the pandemic and telecommuting, we wanted to find out more about this new reality in 2021, and measure progress towards greater flexibility and digitalization in organizations. We launched a survey of professionals from all sectors and company sizes: what is the current state of telecommuting in France? Will it develop further? Are companies ready to adopt other forms of flexibility? These are just some of the questions we can answer, with some surprising results.
In this special report, Appvizer has also invited experts to give their views: lawyers, company directors, managers, executives, executive coaches and specialists in well-being at work. They give us their analyses and points of view on the effects that widespread telecommuting has had on management, employees, companies and the way they organize themselves. They also tell us about the changes underway that will shape the company of tomorrow.
Discover the results of the Appvizer survey on teleworking and flexibility at work.
- [SURVEY] Teleworking & flexibility at work: where do you stand?
Discover articles and expert opinions on teleworking
Understanding telework and its challenges
- What is telecommuting? Focus on this new way of organizing work for employees - Appvizer
- Telecommuting: not a revolution in the workplace, but a real step forward for organizations! - Charles-Henri Besseyre des Horts, Professor Emeritus HEC Paris, Chairman of AGRH
- Teleworking: revealing your organization's problems - Bertrand Duperrin, Head of People and Delivery at Emakina
- How teleworking has accelerated digitalization and influenced the SaaS rush - Léa Delvenne, Marketing & Communications Director at Taleez
- How has teleworking democratized the decentralization of corporate purchasing management? - Rodolphe Ardant, Founder and CEO, Spendesk
- Telecommuting recruitment: the challenges for HR in 2021 - Julie Croyal, Digital Marketing Manager at Beetween
- Teleworking: the benefits in 11 key points - Appvizer
Law & telework
- Teleworking: what does the law say about employee surveillance and employment contracts? - Camille Gourdon, ALKEMIST law firm
- [ITW] Telecommuting: rider or no rider? - Anne Le Nouvel, legal specialist and editor-in-chief at Rocket Lawyer
- The telework rider: what does the law say? Tips for drawing it up properly - Appvizer
Guides and best practices for managing telework
- 3 challenges of telecommuting and how to overcome them - Itzik Levy, co-founder and CEO of vcita
- Teleworking managers: can you go the distance? Damien Grandemenge, Deputy Managing Director, Lucca
- 4 best practices for managing your telecommuting teams - David Galiana, Marketing Director at Wimi
- Entrepreneurs: 9 tips for organizing efficiently when teleworking - Pierre Cocheteux, Ikigai business coach
- How do you manage your team remotely? Mistakes to avoid and best practices to apply - Appvizer
- 10 good teleworking practices to know - Appvizer
- 5 steps to successful teleworking - Appvizer
- Online collaborative working: benefits & free and paid collaborative tools - Appvizer
Teleworking wellness
Telework & health: 7 pitfalls to avoid - Quentin Aoustin, coach, consultant and speaker on well-being and performance
How to ensure the well-being of teleworking employees? - Appvizer
Discover articles and expert opinions on new work organizations
The new work organizations that are shaping the company of tomorrow - Appvizer
Flex office: when flexibility extends to the workspace - Appvizer
- Flex office makes it easier for employees to return to the office - Edouard Coisne, CEO of Moffi
- Retailers: a new e-commerce-oriented organization is needed to survive the crisis - Sandra Seychelles, co-founder of Atoo Next
- Self-employed: crisis today, eldorado tomorrow? Focus on freelance administration - Sophie Laquerrière, Marketing Manager at Embarq
- Desk sharing or the end of the individual office: a workspace revolution - Appvizer
- Corpoworking: the corporate coworking space that breaks office codes - Appvizer
Appvizer would like to thank all the experts and authors who contributed to this issue:
- Charles-Henri Besseyre des Horts, Professor Emeritus HEC Paris, President of AGRH,
- Bertrand Duperrin, head of people and delivery at Emakina,
- Léa Delvenne, marketing & communication director at Taleez,
- Rodolphe Ardant, founder and CEO of Spendesk,
- Julie Croyal, digital marketing manager at Beetween,
- Maître Camille Gourdon, ALKEMIST law firm,
- Anne Le Nouvel, legal specialist and editor-in-chief at Rocket Lawyer,
- Itzik Levy, co-founder and CEO of vcita,
- Damien Grandemenge, Deputy Managing Director at Lucca,
- David Galiana, Marketing Director at Wimi,
- Pierre Cocheteux, ikigai business coach,
- Quentin Aoustin, health, well-being & performance coach and speaker,
- Edouard Coisne, CEO of MOFFI,
- Sandra Seychelles, co-founder of Atoo Next,
- Sophie Laquerrière, Marketing Manager at Embarq.
Article translated from French