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Digital recruitment: a world of possibilities for attracting the best candidates!

Digital recruitment: a world of possibilities for attracting the best candidates!

By Samantha Mur

Published: October 19, 2024

Can we really digitalize everything... right down to recruitment?

As a recruiter, when people talk to you about recruiting robots, matching algorithms, or even automatic CV sorting, you're probably wondering where the human element has gone in all this... 🤔

But rest assured, the digitalization of recruitment is not (yet!) synonymous with dehumanization.

On the contrary, digital recruitment lightens your administrative load and frees up precious time that you can devote to high value-added tasks, including personalizing your exchanges with candidates. 👍

Agility, proactivity, an attractive employer brand... these are just some of the ways you can optimize your recruitment strategy to stand out from the crowd and attract talent, especially in a highly competitive job market!

All this will further strengthen your recruitment campaign and put you on the road to success!

Get ready, digital recruitment has a lot more to offer than you might think! Perhaps you're already using some of its tools? 🌟

First of all, what is digital recruitment?

Digital recruitment: definition

Digital recruitment is a set of processes and tools based on new technologies, whose objective is the same as a classic recruitment process.

In other words, the aim is to find the best profile for a given position, within the time and budget available... using digital tools!

A range of innovative solutions are now available to recruiters for sourcing, testing, selecting and meeting candidates.

Still a little vague? Let's take a closer look.

Big data, online recruitment platforms... a closer look at digital solutions

When it comes to recruitment, increasingly advanced technologies and tools are emerging to make your HR processes easier, but also to bring ever greater fluidity and personalization to the candidate journey.

👉 For recruiters and employees alike:

  • Big Data : data analysis makes it possible to recruit in line with (and even anticipate!) company needs;
  • the Cloud: to centralize, store and secure information, while promoting collaborative recruitment;
  • artificial intelligence: increasingly precise matching between candidates and positions to be filled, and tools that become employees' personal assistants;
  • process automation: multicasting job offers, creating automated workflows, etc. to simplify day-to-day human resources administrative management.

👉 On the candidate side:

  • mobile applications : to meet the expectations of candidates: to be more flexible and autonomous in their application process, and to adapt to new telecommuting modalities;
  • social selling applied to HR: the social presence and animation of social networks are becoming indispensable for targeting talent on the right channels;
  • marketing automation: these same marketing tools are applied to recruitment to segment targets, adapt content and , ultimately, enrich the relationship with candidates.

All these tools are similar to those used in customer experience, because, as you can see, we are increasingly adopting a candidate marketing approach.

They can all be found on a single online recruitment platform, an all-in-one solution that manages your recruitment from A to Z!

Why implement digital recruitment?

What's the added value for your recruitment process?

Here's what you can expect to gain by employing these solutions:

1 - Quality applications

By disseminating content related to the company's activities and working environment, as well as its values and mission, you'll attract candidates who are motivated and interested in your offer and organization.

Thanks to an enriched candidate pathway, you limit default choices and recruitment errors.

2 - Limited costs

Digital solutions do have their costs, but they're lower than traditional methods. Digital recruitment on LinkedIn can cut recruitment costs by a factor of three compared with the services of a headhunteror specialized recruitment firm.

If you're looking for specific profiles to place on temporary assignments, you should know that the temping sector is also going digital. You can therefore use specialized digital temping platforms to streamline your costs.

3 - Time and flexibility

Automated CV processing (import, sorting, analysis, pre-selection, etc.), simplified appointment scheduling, more flexible time slots, more fluid exchanges between employees for team recruiting - these are just some of the advantages offered by digital recruitment, which saves you a considerable amount of time... and energy!

4 - Add value to your business

Processes are accelerated and optimized, giving you the time you need to delegate time-consuming tasks to robots, and focus on your added value as a recruiter or HR specialist: better prepare and conduct job interviews, validate the selection of your future recruit, etc.

5 - Boost your employer brand

Ah, the famous employer brand! To develop and promote your image among candidates, the digitalization of recruitment processes enhances the value of your company in the eyes of applicants: digital uses, mobility, speed, but also quality of working conditions and corporate culture...

The tools of digital recruitment help you convey your values loud and clear, to boost your appeal and stand out from the crowd!

And by the way, is it right for you?

If you're a recruiter in a large group, your company already benefits from its reputation among its recruitment targets. Where digital recruitment is beneficial for you is that it gives you the opportunity to work on your communication around the assignments and opportunities you offer. You can then concentrate your efforts on your employer brand.

For SMEs, turning to digital solutions for your recruitment needs can be a wise move, as you can choose them according to your recruitment volume. They're also a great asset if you're looking to improve your social sourcing strategy or activate candidate marketing levers, so you can stand out from the crowd!

How to recruit digitally? 7 tools to adopt!

1. Professional social networks

There's a lot of talk about social selling in sales, but using social networks in recruitment can also extend the possibilities and quality of your sourcing.

With an ever-increasing number of subscribers, LinkedIn, Viadeo, but also Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are becoming veritable talent pools. That's why it's so important to look after your profile or company page, which is a showcase consulted by candidates (yes, it's not just a one-way street!).

What's more, social networks are all the more interesting for facilitating links and exchanges between recruiters and candidates.

2. The career site

Setting up a dedicated page associated with your website (Our offers, We're recruiting, etc.), or even a career site in your image, centralizes all information on your available offers and on the entire recruitment process .

Candidates can submit their applications quickly and easily, and in some cases create an account to take advantage of a personalized candidate pathway. On the recruiters' side, you generally receive applications organized by ad in your recruitment software, to which it is integrated.

If you don't have any current vacancies, the career site is a good way of keeping an eye on them, so you can continue to build up your CV library. To do this, reserve a space for unsolicited applications!

3. Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing, or collaborative recruitment, involves calling on friends, family and professional contacts to find candidates, using online resources and web tools.

You activate levers that enable you to reach so-called passive candidates, and increase your chances of finding the rare pearl!

4. Gamification

Recruiting through play? That's the aim of gamification in recruitment, which consists in offering less formal tests, in a more relaxed context, to assess candidates. The program for these half-fun, half-serious encounters includes serious games, battle dev, escape games...

With digital recruitment, everything can take place online, from fun tests to team challenges. It's a great way to assess candidates' technical skills and interpersonal skills, all in the form of games!

5. Mobile applications

To attract young talent, who are often highly connected and have high expectations of flexibility, we recommend the use of a mobile recruitment application.

This tool simplifies the process for recruiters, making them more flexible and responsive, and improves the candidate experience.

6. The recruiter robot

The word is out! A robot, yes, but rest assured, it won't be doing the interviewing for you. What we're talking about here is nothing more or less than a tool equipped with an algorithm to automate your repetitive, non-value-added tasks.

More precisely, there are different kinds of algorithms:

  • sourcing, which matches the most relevant profile to a given ad, by scanning the database ;
  • filtering, which deciphers the information on CVs and refines profile analysis;
  • matching, which scans CVs and uses keywords to suggest jobs that match them, and to narrow down the selection of candidates.

Make sure you use them with discretion, so as not to miss out on atypical profiles!

7. ATS

Applicant tracking software (or ATS), or even an HRIS, can bring together most of the tools we've just listed in an all-in-one online solution.

Complete and intelligent, this recruitment platform lets you multi-post your job ads, manage your CV library, track each candidate on their recruitment journey, organize your schedules and follow-ups, create a personalized career site, and even conduct video interviews!

In a nutshell 📝

Whatever the size of your company and whatever your sector of activity, digital recruitment tools are full of promise: they optimize your recruitment processes, while improving candidate pathways, to set you apart and attract the attention of top talent.

All this is in response to the new digital habits and behaviours of both recruiters and candidates.

However, despite the use of artificial intelligence and automation systems, let's not lose sight of the fact that machine assistance is aimed above all at simplifying the recruitment process, and above all administrative management.

Above all, recruitment remains a human adventure. On the contrary, incorporating more digital technology into the process should make it possible to personalize interactions and give time to candidates, who expect to be considered, accompanied, heard and recognized.