How to master employee management?

Employee management can quickly become a headache without appropriate, efficient, and connected tools. In the era of digital technology, using a human resources management information system (HRIS) has indeed become essential for an HR department: amongst the management of administrative tasks, talent management, schedule management, or compliance with labor law procedures, you risk losing a lot of time without high-performance software.
Take 5 minutes to read this article: you will know how to implement effective employee management and increase productivity and simplicity.
What is employee management? Definition
Employee management is carried out by the human resources department (HR manager), and sometimes the accounting or finance department is also involved in payroll management.
Personnel administration covers several aspects:
- various administrative, legal, and mandatory tasks which must be carried out within defined deadlines,
- the strategic dimension of personnel management, with the aim of creating value through each employee,
- the social relationship, which is essential to employees depending on the economic context of the company and the evolution of employees.
🤔 What is the difference between human resources management and administrative personnel management? HR has a listening and advisory role, where personnel management has a purely administrative component.
HR compliance and obligations
What is a compliance obligation?
Work and its conditions are governed by the Fair Labor Standards Act. Human resources managers are responsible for ensuring that legislation complies within the company.
Leave, time, and payroll management
Are also managed by HR :
- paid holidays,
- sick leave,
- absences,
- hours,
- schedules.
Payroll is a task that is also most often the responsibility of human resources. It includes :
- the calculation and management of salaries and social benefits,
- the preparation and distribution of payslips.
Do you need software for efficient payroll management? Check out our list of the best payroll systems.
Management of procedures and documents within the labor law field
- Employment contracts,
- amendments,
- recruitment procedures,
- procedures for dismissal,
- conventional termination of the contract.
What is the best way to manage employees?
Adopt an open communication policy
Effective and active listening is very important to effectively manage your employees. Be sure to really listen to what the members of your team have to say to you, as it happens very often that managers listen, but not hear. Don’t be a leader who tries to catch workers making a mistake or punish for poor performance, but rather be someone who listens and gives support when needed. Provide sincere and effective day-to-day communication. Create a Sense of Trust!
What is important?
- listen attentively,
- ask questions if needed,
- don’t interrupt,
- be consistent,
- control your emotions,
- be patient,
- be supportive.
Set Clear Expectations
As a good manager, you must lead your employees and effectively communicate. To achieve that, always be clear about what you want from them. It may concern:
- the tasks that must be done,
- attitude at work,
- understanding the company culture,
- etc.
Your employees must understand what is expected of them to work effectively.
If the goals are not clear, it decreases the efficiency of your team. Always find time to talk to each member of the team to make sure that everyone understands the goals of the organization and knows how to achieve them.
Help employees grow
Encourage growth. And not only verbally. Be an example for your employees and show a willingness to take classes, learn new things, and evolve as a specialist and human-being.
In this ever-changing world, it is important to keep up with technologies and innovations. Schedule time to participate in conferences and encourage your team to do the same. Set an expectation for them to be there, praise those who attend, and motivate them to share the new knowledge with each other.
Praise Good Performance
It is very important to monitor and measure the performance of each team member. When you set clear goals and know how to motivate your employees, the team as a whole can achieve a lot. Even if not everything is going well, you have to be a good leader.
Most of the time we expect it to be the boss who is responsible for motivation in the team. But teach your employees that they can also do a lot to motivate themselves. If they have their professional goals clearly in mind and can divide the path to the goal into small steps, they will always have small successes and therefore no problem motivating themselves.
And always reward them when they deliver high performance. Employee recognition is essential for well-being at work and job satisfaction.
What is important?
- provide regular feedback,
- encourage your employees,
- reward them!
What is the purpose of an employee management system?
So what are the main HR functions?
- saving time,
- transparency, visibility,
- HR/employee collaboration,
- monitoring strategic vision,
- well-being at work and QWL (quality of life at work),
- skills development,
- respect for the law.
All these aspects are not easy to manage without good and efficient management software. Good administrative management of personnel requires a logistical and human approach. Hence it is important to find management apps that are perfectly adapted to your company's operations and easy-to-understand by the employees.
The HRMS (Human resource management system) is flexible and modular enough to allow optimal administrative personnel management. Be sure to choose employee management software that is able to develop at the same pace as your company, otherwise, it risks slowing down or hindering its development.
Personnel management software must therefore meet certain requirements in order to offer human resources functionalities that are flexible and easy-to-use by both HR managers and employees.