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Hear, hear! Discover at last the simple and complete definition of multi-channel communication!

Hear, hear! Discover at last the simple and complete definition of multi-channel communication!

By Jennifer Montérémal

Published: October 25, 2024

Once upon a time, marketers relied on a limited number of channels to communicate and promote their brands: television, radio, press and billboard advertising for the most part.

But then came the digital transformation of society, revolutionizing consumer habits and opening up a whole new world of possibilities. Other media were added to the list, such as social networks, websites and emailing.

"A godsend", companies thought! More choice = more ways to reach the heart of their target.

But beware: good multi-channel communication requires a thorough understanding of the concept, the issues surrounding it and the strategy to be deployed.

Let us tell you all about it.

What exactly is multi-channel communication?

Definition of multi-channel communication

Multi-channel communication refers to a company's use of different channels, digital or otherwise, to implement its communication strategy:

  • externally: to customers, prospects, suppliers, partners, service providers, etc,
  • but also internally: towards employees.

In this sense, we also speak of integrated multi-channel communication: each relevant channel is included in the action plan, and in a coherent way.

💡 Note: when operations are aimed at prospects and customers, there are numerous media to exploit. But in general, there are two types:

  • Media communication channels: as the name suggests, this involves using media such as television, radio or the press. These media are also used online (online press, social networks, etc.).

  • Non-media communication channels: their advent is partly due to the need to offer an alternative to mass marketing, in order to better target and personalize messages: website, emailing, SMS, etc.

Discover all the communication channels at your disposal in our dedicated article!

Why it's grown

It's a simple fact: multi-channel communication is a natural way for companies to benefit from new possibilities for transmitting their messages and interacting with their target audience. All the more so in an environment where consumers regularly navigate from one medium to another, throughout their purchasing journey.

But multi-channel strategy has also developed as a result of technological evolution. With digital transformation, digital communication is a must. A new world is opening up for brands, full of opportunities to seize. Websites, social networks... the angles of attack are multiplying, and the revolution is still underway (cuckoo for the metaverse).

What about omnichannel and cross-channel communication?

The notion of cross-channel is similar to that of multi-channel, but there is a nuance.

While multi-channel refers to the diversification of channels, cross-channel implies acting "simultaneously". This approach is based on the premise that consumers pass through several points of contact throughout their purchasing journey, and that channels are therefore interconnected.

Multichannel communication and omnichannel are also closely related concepts, but the latter implies more than a connection between channels: it's a true harmonization, to create a memorable, unified customer experience.

What's at stake?

Know your communication channels...

A multi-channel strategy requires perfect exploitation of the communication channels at your disposal.

And to do this, you need to understand them properly, because each one has its own :

  • specificities,
  • mechanisms,
  • codes,
  • advantages,
  • disadvantages, etc.

... and know your customers!

But above all, you need to know your target market inside out. The objective? To avoid spreading yourself too thinly and remain relevant in your actions.

By understanding the personalities, aspirations and behaviors of your customers and prospects, you'll be able to :

  • choose the most appropriate communication channels,
  • understand how to capitalize on them.

Carry out coherent communication actions

Multi-channel communication requires consistency in all your actions.

This way, you're spreading a strong, consistent brand image, both in content and form, to better impact consumers' minds.

💡 Tip: to achieve this, it may be advisable to use dedicated software. Take PIMALION, for example. Both :

  • DAM (Digital Asset Management),
  • PIM (Product Information Management),
  • and ETL (Extract Transform Load), the tool enables you to control and harmonize all your content. Easily collaborate internally, ensure the consistency of your actions (compliance with the graphic charter, for example) and then easily distribute your content (media, product information, etc.) across all your communication channels.

Persevere and renew

Last but not least, a good multi-channel marketing and communications strategy is a long-term one. Offer regular content on a variety of channels, show that you're renewing yourself, innovating... In other words, don't let routine set in, and surprise consumers so that they don't tire of you.

Moreover, building a lasting relationship with them contributes to the longevity of your company.

Why use multiple communication channels? The 4 key advantages

Advantage 1: you meet consumer needs

The rise of digital technology has profoundly changed the world of consumption.

Today, a whole generation of Internet and social network users has changed the paradigm. They demand simplicity and immediacy.

By multiplying the points of contact and the opportunities for transmitting your messages, you can meet the needs of these new consumers... and thus make the most of an increasingly competitive market.

Advantage 2: you increase your sales

The more you cover your market, the more you multiply your chances of making yourself known... and therefore increasing your sales!

What's more, a multi-channel strategy means determining the most profitable operations, adapted to your budget and objectives. This ROI-based approach helps keep your cash flow healthy.

Benefit 3: Customer loyalty

Multi-channel communication also promotes customer loyalty. By regularly circulating information (new product releases, promotional offers, etc.), you demonstrate to your conquered customers that you're always there for them. This makes it easier for them to come back to you.

What's more, because your actions are always aligned with their personalities, needs and buying habits, you improve their customer experience and their perception of your brand.

Benefit 4: You encourage collaboration

Finally, the concept of multi-channel communication also applies to internal communications.

In this context, the diversification of media facilitates collaboration and the sharing of information and knowledge within the company.

How do you develop an effective multi-channel strategy?

#1 Identify the objectives of your multi-channel communications strategy

This is where it all starts.

Precisely identifying your objectives will enable you to define your future multi-channel communications plan. Is it, for example, to acquire new customers? Build loyalty?

👉 Social networks, for example, are particularly well-suited to raising your profile.

#2 Get to know your target

Here too, it's vital to get to know your target audience so you can optimize your communication campaigns. For example, a given type of individual will be more sensitive to a given channel and message.

When you draw up your marketing personas, you become familiar with :

  • your target's socio-demographic profile,
  • their needs, values and aspirations,
  • their purchasing behavior.

💡 By way of illustration, a young population will turn more to a social network like TikTok, and appreciate a friendly, modern message. Seniors are more likely to be reached by television or radio, and prefer a formal tone. In BtoB, email and a platform such as LinkedIn are to be preferred.

#3 Choose the right communication channels

Not every channel will work for you.

As you can see, your objectives and personas will guide your strategy.

But to fine-tune your message, you also need to understand at what point in the customer journey your target uses a given channel. The aim is to build a coherent path that will ultimately lead them to your objective.

👉 For example: going to your site to buy after discovering your offer thanks to targeted advertising on social networks.

# 4 Make the most of them

Each channel has its own mechanisms. Mastering them means understanding how to get the most out of them, while bringing value to the audience. To do this, always adapt the type of information transmitted, the tone, but also the regularity according to the chosen medium.

Certain channels, such as emailing and SMS, also encourage the personalization of messages. It's a great way to get closer to the consumer and improve the customer experience!

Multi-channel communication at a glance

Today, multi-channel communication is no longer an option. It has become indispensable to increase your chances of selling in this mercilessly competitive world - and, above all, of selling more!

But there are many challenges for the seasoned marketer in you. In particular, you need to :

  • master the specifics of the various channels at your disposal,
  • ensure consistency in your actions,
  • and, above all, know your target and your customers inside out!

In this way, you'll be able to deploy a formidable strategy, using the right levers to improve the customer experience... and thereby boost your sales!

Article translated from French

Jennifer Montérémal

Jennifer Montérémal, Editorial Manager, Appvizer

Currently Editorial Manager, Jennifer Montérémal joined the Appvizer team in 2019. Since then, she's been putting her expertise in web copywriting, copywriting and SEO optimization to work for the company, with her sights set on reader satisfaction 😀 !

Trained as a medievalist, Jennifer took a break from castles and manuscripts to discover her passion for content marketing. She took away from her studies the skills expected of a good copywriter: understanding and analyzing the subject, rendering the information, with a real mastery of the pen (without systematically resorting to a certain AI 🤫).

An anecdote about Jennifer? She distinguished herself at Appvizer with her karaoke skills and boundless knowledge of musical nanars 🎤.