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Inbound vs. outbound: what are the differences?

Inbound vs. outbound: what are the differences?

By Grégory Coste.

Published: October 24, 2024

Attracting prospects to your website is the new goal of digital marketing. The fact is: outbound marketing makes consumers lose interest and sometimes even drives them away. Inbound marketing, on the other hand, takes a close interest in the behavior of the persona right from the first contact, and generates relationship marketing that builds loyalty. Lessons in seduction.

Inbound VS outbound: traditional marketing no longer in vogue

Digital transformation is prompting many small and medium-sized businesses, as well as large corporations, to rethink their strategic ecosystem and optimize their webmarketing prospecting. In the age of mobile and digital marketing, what are the major differences between inbound and outbound marketing? What methodology should you choose to ensure fruitful encounters?

Inbound marketing, the new digital strategy for subtle seduction

We've unearthed a video that explains in an educational way why inbound marketing is an approach to web marketing that is popular with both salespeople and prospects. It clearly defines the major differences between outbound marketing and inbound marketing.

We've also included a comprehensive article that gives a pictorial summary of the inbound marketing process and its conversion funnel through 4 key stages.

Outbound marketing is more like hunting than fishing

This metaphor is proposed by Invox in this video:

Outbound techniques are intrusive and/or don't add value for the web user: paid referencing with the purchase of keywords, Google adwords, retargeting (ads that follow the consumer from one site to another), internet banners from a display network, etc., outbound marketing is now showing its limits in terms of effectiveness and falling conversion rates.

Outbound marketing techniques, and advertising in particular, are considered intrusive by consumers. Let's look at the figures:

  • As early as 2013, the French were horrified by advertising on social networks and media.
  • In 2014, 8 out of 10 French people said they were disturbed by advertising when surfing the web.
  • Banners are becoming the bête noire of Internet users: in 2015, they decided to get rid of them and block them with antiadware software, such as Adblock.
  • Over 5.7 million Internet users now use an ad blocker, and the number is growing...

During the ad break, content marketing seduces your prospects

Content marketing enables you to attract a qualified audience to your website. It's the essential starting point for all inbound marketing solutions.

Content marketing, the new ally of digital marketing

Your web content has proven acquisition and loyalty potential: it is more visible than outbound formats over the long term.

First and foremost, content creation ensures sustainable positioning in search engine results. Improving your SEO on the Internet is a question of visibility, which is essential in the face of your competitors! When you think that Internet users don't look at 53% of ads on websites...

Social media is another type of SEO that focuses on brand awareness: community management helps you share your content and animate your community. What content do you send to influencers? Your 2.0 press relations deserve a specific content marketing strategy.

In addition, web content marketing provides generous content, such as white papers or blog posts, before converting web users into customers. Outbound marketing is a one-way street: its e-marketing policy is to sell at all costs.

For example, advertising interrupts the consumer without providing any added value. Inbound marketing offers useful value to Internet users, without disturbing them. And when you're done paying for it, your advertising disappears, while your content stays! Your readers and customers take the time to consult your content at will. Outbound marketing is ephemeral...

The image below sums up the differences between inbound and outbound marketing: permissive versus intrusive.

Guess who's more effective at lead generation?

Through content marketing, inbound marketing responds to the needs and expectations of your customers.
This approach proves its effectiveness in figures:

  • On social networks, 46% of Internet users take the plunge and buy because of high-value-added content, or because their friends recommend the product or service. Linkedin makes its mark in the BtoB sector.
  • 70% of readers prefer blog posts to learn more about a company's activities.
  • 81% of consumers trust what they read on blogs.
  • Companies that have invested in the production of blog articles generate 55% more traffic than companies that prefer to promote their activity via outbound.
  • The blog becomes the heart of a web strategy, generating 126% more leads than a company that doesn't produce articles.
  • For 72% of marketing departments, inbound marketing is more visible and more effective than advertising.

With inbound marketing, Internet users come to you, seduced by your content. It's they who choose to fill in their profile on the landing page you've designed for them, with a carefully crafted call to action.

Let's talk marketing profitability now!

More profitable webmarketing thanks to marketing automation

Marketing automation saves your company time and money. When it comes to profitability, marketing using inbound marketing techniques such as lead nurturing and lead scoring enables you to :

  • generate 54% more leads than outbound marketing,
  • achieve a customer acquisition cost 61% lower than with outbound marketing,
  • optimize your return on investment with content that remains visible online, versus advertising where you have to (re)pay to be visible.

Source figures :

  • "Les Français dérangés par la publicité intrusive", Stratégies magazine article on the study conducted by Publicis ETO/Toluna (July 2015),
  • "Les Français et la publicité sur internet", 2014 study by Opinion Way/mozoo,
  • "The 2015 Ad Blocking Report"
  • This 2014 study of 500 marketing managers by Mass Relevance/ Spreadfast,
  • The "Second Advertification Barometer" by Kantar média and Adledge from October-December 2014,
  • 100 statistics on inbound marketing, 2014 study by Hubspot

Lead nurturing, the high-performance marketing strategy for building loyalty

You've collected qualified data via a newsletter subscription form, for example. To prepare the ground for your sales proposal, lead nurturing consists of qualifying your prospect's expectations and responding to them step by step.
You chaperone them, as it were, and adapt your communication to them, right up to the point of purchase. It's called incubation, and it's a methodical way of analyzing the needs of each prospect profile. The result is your segmentation of potential customers, and the segmentation of proposed content.

    To help you determine the stages your prospect goes through, and what is relevant to recommend in terms of content, it is advisable to study the customer journey and establish his own lead scoring.

    Your lead scoring for your email marketing

    Your lead scoring enables you to define the right time to send your emailing, and to determine which type of mailing is best to send. In a marketing automation logic, your email marketing enables you to invite your prospective readers to read the useful content that will help them make their choices.

    Lead scoring consists of evaluating and measuring your prospect's stage of development: defining whether they're in the information-gathering, argument-seeking, comparison or purchasing decision stages: you qualify your leads as hot or cold prospects.

    Adopt a lead management solution worthy of a digital agency

    SaaS software solutions are available on a no-obligation, monthly subscription basis, but the important thing is to commit to a customer relationship management tool that enables you to optimize your productivity and increase your conversion rate.
    The secret, as you've guessed, is marketing automation using lead generation and lead management software, coupled with a CRM tool that enables you to send tailored, automated email campaigns.

    Do you want to increase your sales? Then acquiring software represents an excellent investment.

    Our suggestions :

    • get to know Plezi, marketing automation and inbound marketing software,
    • discover Intercom, a solution that allows you to unify all your communication with your customers, such as automatic emails,
    • automate your lead generation with Conversaa, a marketing automation solution,
    • optimize your CRM with love, try Oryanoo,
    • enjoy Dialog Insight's relationship marketing solutions,
    • use our search engine on the home page!

    With figures to back you up, you'll see how effective inbound marketing is, but also that outbound marketing is just talk and talk and talk... Take the plunge: become your own media, your own digitaland webmarketing agency. Ready to catch the eye of your prospects ? Increase your leads tenfold: inbound marketing solutions are at your fingertips!

    Updated article, originally published in December 2016.