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All you need to know about software certification

All you need to know about software certification

By Maëlys De Santis

Published: November 6, 2024

Certification for your software ? Many publishers have already taken the plunge with their cash register software, accounting software and invoicing software. What are the advantages of certification for the publisher and for users? How do you go about getting your software certified?

appvizer takes a closer look at the concept of software certification to help you understand what it is, and what's at stake. At the end of the article, you'll find a list of NF Software certified software.

What is software certification?


Certification is a procedure by which a software publisher obtains attestation of compliance with a quality standard. In general, certification authorizes the use of a label, such as NF.

This attestation can be issued :

  • by an independent certification body, such as AFNOR, Association Française de Normalisation, LNE, Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais or INFOCERT,
  • or by the software publisher itself, which issues a certificate of conformity for its software.

Please note: certification procedures vary from one certification body to another.

The main characteristics certified are :

  • functional capability,
  • installation,
  • functions present,
  • consistency,
  • reliability,
  • ease of use.

Certificate or attestation: what's the difference?

If a software publisher issues an attestation, this means that it has paid particular attention to compliance with standards in the design of its software. This is a guarantee of quality for software users.

However, beware of conflicts of interest: is the publisher objective enough to decide for himself that his software complies with a standard?

Certification bodies are independent and follow long and rigorous processes before awarding certification to software. Legal compliance may be at stake, as in the case of accounting or cash register software, for example.

Publishers, be rigorous and vigilant in your specifications to guarantee complete certification for your users.

NF software certification

In the software sector, NF software certification is undoubtedly the best known. It is a trademark for software professionals. This certification defines the characteristics and conditions under which software is produced, from design to operation, while ensuring its durability and reliability. In short, the NF logiciel mark objectively certifies software quality and conformity.

This certification guarantees :

  • that the software has been designed in compliance with the international ISO 9001 standard for testing, product validation and customer support;
  • that the quality of the software achieves a level in line with that expected in ISO/CEI 25 051, which relates to the functionalities present in the software in accordance with what is presented in the product sheet, as well as to the user and test documentation.

NF 525: certification for cash register software

Since the anti-fraud law came into force on January 1, 2018, publishers and users of cash register software have not been able to miss out on this particular certification.

Cash management software is required to meet the conditions of inalterability, security, data retention and archiving. The purpose of this law is to combat tax fraud.

Certifying your cash register software guarantees optimal use, in full compliance with current legislation.

What guarantees does certification provide?

For the software publisher

Software certification enables its publisher to :

  • demonstrate the conformity of its service,
  • stand out from the competition and gain visibility,
  • strengthen customer confidence ,
  • optimize internal practices and processes,
  • improve product quality .

For the user

Certification reassures users on the following points:

  • the continuity of the publisher's activity: what happens if the publisher goes out of business and the service is interrupted? How will the data be managed? How much will it cost to find a new tool and train users? Certification means you don't have to ask yourself these questions.
  • legal compliance: certification removes the risk of legal problems or penalties in the event of irregularities. You can be sure that your accounting and collection processes comply with current legislation.

How do you certify software?

Certification bodies have their own specific certification procedures. That said, the procedures follow the same logic, summarized very simply in a few steps:

  • admissibility study,
  • testing,
  • audit (on site),
  • audit results,
  • certification.

Periodic checks are then carried out to confirm that certified products and services continue to comply with the relevant quality standards. Certification may be renewed periodically.

List of NF Software certified software

NF logiciel certified software
Publisher Products
Akuiteo Akuiteo
ARD Informatique XPlanet
BNP Paribas SAS EaaS ST
CISA Informatique LXP
Cyber Physical Systems SplitSecnd
Sopra Steria Real Estate Solutions Division IKOS - Gestion Comptable
Edoc eDocSafe
Entreprise-facile incwo
Felix informatique Orchestra*PDV
Infor Anael FMS, LN, SunSystems, SmartSystems, Infor CloudSuite Business
Jes Labs Monewin 2
JLogiciels JLogiciels Sales
Logeas informatique Logeas
Lomaco Philae
Microsoft Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
MUSTINFO Bourgelat
Netika Kalilab
New-software Arlequin
Open bee Open Bee Portal
Progidys GI
Progisem Universem Accounting
Reynolds and Reynolds DCSNet
Sage Sage X3
Salamandre Fusion
SAP AG SAP Business Suite, SAP S/4HANA Cloud and On Premise
Sequoiasoft Resalys Neo
SIGMA Informatique Advantage Finance
Talentia Software Talentia Finance, Talentia Accounting, Talentia Consolidation
TPL Systemes Birdy WP Suite
Unit4 Business Software France SA Unit4 Business World
Vetocom SAS Vetocom
Wavesoft WaveSoft Gestion Commerciale, WaveSoft Comptabilité, WaveSoft Suite logicielle
Workday Workday

Choose your certified software

appvizer lists thousands of software products: you're bound to find the solution that meets your needs, corresponds to your sector of activity and the size of your company, while carrying the necessary certification.

Software publishers have every interest in having their software certified, not only to improve the quality of their solutions, but also to offer their users more guarantees and stand out in a competitive market.

Article translated from French

Maëlys De Santis

Maëlys De Santis, Growth Managing Editor, Appvizer

Maëlys De Santis, Growth Managing Editor, started at Appvizer in 2017 as Copywriter & Content Manager. Her career at Appvizer is distinguished by her in-depth expertise in content strategy and content marketing, as well as SEO optimization. With a Master's degree in Intercultural Communication and Translation from ISIT, Maëlys also studied languages and English at the University of Surrey. She has shared her expertise in publications such as Le Point and Digital CMO. She contributes to the organization of the global SaaS event, B2B Rocks, where she took part in the opening keynote in 2023 and 2024.

An anecdote about Maëlys? She has a (not so) secret passion for fancy socks, Christmas, baking and her cat Gary. 🐈‍⬛