Clarity Wave: in summary

EPIC, which stands for Employee Perceived Image of the Company, is a software solution based entirely on the cloud, that offers true 360˚ employee surveys.

Like some of our competitors, EPIC allows employees to score the company on a multitude of dimensions.

And then we take it one huge step further…

Unlike any of our competitors, with EPIC each employee has their own page that allows them to score their teammates and receive and provide incredibly powerful feedback.

EPIC is a fun, dynamic and easy system that gives your staff an invaluable analysis of themselves based on how they are perceived by their teammates.

Now your team members will know if they are creating a constructive environment within your organization, or if they need to work on some particular area to become a more emotionally intelligent person. 

Each and every user knows how they are perceived in 7 different dimensions that give them a clear image of where they do well and where they need to focus their attention in order to grow and improve.

Epic Features
EPIC features include a weekly Survey Engine, Employee and Company Statistics, Peer-to-Peer Feedback, a fun Prize Store and much more.

The Weekly Survey
includes 3 different types of questions:
About the company
About the team member
Custom Questions that you design

EPIC Trifocal Analysis
Each of EPIC's questions is analyzed from three different perspectives:

  • EPIC Dimensions and Sub-dimensions
  • Essential Factors
  • Pyramid of Needs

EPIC Community
The EPIC Community include:

*Suggestion & Idea Box:
An interactive area where users can make suggestions to improve or enhance the organization and vote on their favorite ones.
Private Feedback:
Send private feedback messages to your coworkers offering praise or constructive criticism

Public Praise: Users can send Stickers and Points to anyone they wish to recognize.

EPIC Prize Store
The EPIC Store is 100% self-managed. With it, employees are rewarded for their continuous participation. They can trade in EPIC Coins for rewards such as a free lunch, company swag or gift cards. The EPIC Store is super easy to manage, customize and control.

Its benefits

Custom Questions

Incentive Store

Individual Employee Scores

Clarity Wave - Video
Clarity Wave - Essential Factors
Clarity Wave - Dimensions and sub-dimensions
Clarity Wave - Peer-to-Peer Recognition
Clarity Wave - EPIC Price Store
Clarity Wave - Daily Mood and Climate
Clarity Wave - Videos and PDF library
Clarity Wave - Individual Employee Scores
Clarity Wave - Pyramid of Needs
Clarity Wave - Stickers and Points
Clarity Wave - Ideas and Suggestions Box

Clarity Wave: its rates

On demand

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